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买方代理在房地产购买中的作用 | The Doce Group Alex Doce

It’s always a good idea to secure the services of a buyer’s agent before purchasing a home, especially as sellers currently pay most of the buyer’s agent commissions. 

最近的一起诉讼 challenging the National Association of Realtors (NAR) on commission practices has settled in such a way that sellers won’t take the whole brunt of paying these fees, but obtaining a buyer’s agent is 静止的 是个好主意。

Here’s everything you need to know about the role the buyer’s agent will play during the homebuyer’s process.

Buyer’s Agents & Seller’s Agents

In most real estate transactions, both you and the seller will have your own agent. The buyer’s agent should be representing your interests while the seller’s agent represents theirs. 

While dual representation is legal in some states, it’s rarely in your best interests to allow it. Find your own agent, preferably one who specializes in acting as a buyer’s agent. The seller’s agent’s job is to sell the home at the highest price. The buyer’s agent’s job is to find you the home that best suits your needs at the lowest price possible.


所有 Realtors® 都是房地产经纪人,但并非所有房地产经纪人都是 Realtors®。房地产经纪人是全美房地产经纪人协会(NAR)的成员,同意遵守严格的道德规范。

如果其他条件相同且您可以选择,请聘请房地产经纪人。您可以放心地进行交易,因为您知道您的房地产经纪人会真正为您的最佳利益着想。此外,NAR 会员还可以参加特殊的继续教育课程并获得认证,这可以帮助他们提高专业知识。  


A buyer’s agent will perform a number of services for you.

  1. 他们可以帮您找到可能不对外公开的房源。如果您在 Zillow 或类似服务网站上发布房产信息之前就提出报价,就能增加获得接受报价的机会。
  1. They have deep area knowledge. You know what’s important to you, but finding it can be difficult without a guide. Online knowledge about a neighborhood will never match a local agent’s in-depth expertise. 
  1. 他们了解从头到尾的购房过程,可以指导您完成购房。听取买方代理的意见可以帮助您避免许多陷阱。 
  1. 他们可以帮助您与卖家进行谈判,并就何时以及如何进行谈判提出建议。了解何时接受还价、何时插入或有事项、何时避免这些事项都很有价值。
  1. 他们可以向您推荐其他专业人士,如验房师和估价师,您在整个购房过程中都需要与他们打交道。 



Before you look for a buyer’s agent or start shopping for homes, you need to secure 预先批准 房贷融资。与专门的抵押贷款专业人士合作也很有帮助。

亚历克斯-多斯 我们随时准备与您合作,根据您的情况找到合适的贷款和贷款额度。有了合适的贷款,您就会成为极具竞争力的买家! 

安排您的 一对一咨询.
