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What Are Mortgage Notes? Essential Information for Homebuyers

What is a mortgage note? What is a promissory note? | Mortgage Loans with Alex Doce

Your mortgage note is a document that reflects all the terms and conditions of the mortgage loan agreement. You typically sign this document during the closing process.  Here is an example mortgage note.  The mortgage note is a promise to pay the loan. It is also the document that gives your lender the right to […]

Good Credit Score: Your Ticket to Better Financial Opportunities

The Importance of a Good Credit Score | Get Approved for Mortgage Loan | Alex Doce

Household debt is at an all-time high, so it’s no surprise that many inquiries about mortgage loans revolve around the minimum credit score one requires to take advantage of any given program. Yet the importance of having a good credit score while shopping for a house stretches beyond whether you can get approved for the […]

How to Calculate Your Debt-to-Income Ratio

How to Calculate Your Debt-to-Income Ratio | Mortgage Loans | Alex Doce

You can have stellar credit and a great income, but if your debt-to-income ratio (DTI) is too high, it may still be challenging to obtain a mortgage. Your DTI, also known as your credit utilization ratio, helps your lender determine whether you are likely to become overextended after taking on the new loan. Even if […]

Rent vs. Mortgage: Which is the Best Option for You?

The Difference Between Rent and a Mortgage | Home Ownership | Alex Doce

Mortgages are often cheaper than rent, though homeownership itself isn’t always. Plus, owning a home is an investment since you build equity as you make payments.  The two payments often look similar to the inexperienced, as they compare the numbers without considering what those numbers are doing. But it’s essential to understand how your money […]