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The Ultimate Guide to Hard Equity Lending vs. Traditional Mortgages

Mortgage Financing

When it comes to funding real estate investments or acquisitions, people are sometimes faced with a choice between hard equity loans and typical mortgage finance. While each path meets diverse requirements and situations, it has unique benefits and drawbacks.  Understanding Traditional Mortgage Financing Traditional mortgage financing is probably the method most individuals are most familiar with. […]

The Ultimate Guide to Mortgage Interest Rates: What You Need to Know

Understanding Mortgage Interest Rates | Home Loans by Alex Doce at The Doce Group

If you take out a $250,000 home loan, you won’t pay back $250,000 exactly. Instead, you’ll pay $250,000 plus interest. The amount of interest you repay is expressed as a percentage, known as your mortgage rate.  Interest is the reason why home loans are available at all; they create a mechanism for lenders to profit […]

Mortgage Pre-Approval: Your First Step to Homeownership Success

The Importance of Mortgage Pre-Approval when buying a new home

When you’re pre-approved for a mortgage, you’ll receive a letter from a lender who commits to lending you a certain amount of money as long as you close on a house within a certain period.  Pre-approval means you’ve already gone through the process of formally applying for a mortgage. An underwriter has examined your financial […]

How to Spot a Great Realtor

How to Spot a Great Realtor if you are Buying a New Home in Florida

Having a positive home-buying experience means working with a skilled buyer’s agent. A buyer’s agent can help you find homes you’d never see on Zillow, can help you negotiate with sellers, and can help you make competitive offers in a tight market.  The best buyer’s agents also know the neighborhood and the local market inside […]