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New VA Loan Policies: Helping Veterans Thrive in the Housing Market

va loans florida

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs has recently confirmed a temporary solution for helping homebuyers using VA loan. The policies will allow house buyers with VA loans to pay them out of pocket, which was prohibited earlier. The change will soon come into effect from August 10th, 2024. The VA has come up with a […]

Choose the Best Debt Service Mortgage for Different Property Types

DSCR Loans Florida

In the matter of funding real estate investments, it is essential to be knowledgeable about the various types of mortgages that exist. Another important factor that investors use is the Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR), which determines the capability of a property to meet its debt requirements. This article will look at various debt service […]

What Role Do Real Estate Agents Play During the Home Buying Process?

The Role of Buyer's Agents in Real Estate Purchases | The Doce Group - Alex Doce

It’s always a good idea to secure the services of a buyer’s agent before purchasing a home, especially as sellers currently pay most of the buyer’s agent commissions.  A recent lawsuit challenging the National Association of Realtors (NAR) on commission practices has settled in such a way that sellers won’t take the whole brunt of […]

Starter Homes: The Best Choice for First-Time Buyers

First-Time Buyer

Buying your first home is an important milestone in life, which is normally mixed with thrill and some anxiety. As first-time buyers, it is advisable that you opt for a starter home. In most cases, these homes are relatively smaller and more affordable, making them the best selection. Here are the reasons why you should […]