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Your 2024 Roadmap to Buying Your First Home

The 2024 First-Time Homebuyer's Guide | Alex Doce

Purchasing your very first home is a big step, and it can be a scary one. As of this writing in 2024, media fearmongering isn’t putting too many potential first-time homeowners at ease. Yet the story that gathers clicks and comments isn’t always the real story. Once you arm yourself with a bit of knowledge, […]

How to Understand Your Mortgage Payment Structure

If you’re a first-time home buyer, you might be surprised to learn that the price of the home you select isn’t the only factor in that all-important monthly payment amount. Your monthly payment will ultimately be a combination of several types of payments. Here is everything you need to know about how your monthly payment […]

Everything You Need to Know About Mortgage Insurance

What is Mortgage Insurance? | Home Loan Information | Alex Doce

Mortgage insurance is a policy that protects lenders if you default on your loan. If you default, mortgage insurance will not pay the lender the entire balance but will cover their lost interest payments and administrative expenses. Foreclosure will take care of the rest.  Mortgage insurance may sound burdensome, but it serves a purpose. It […]

A Complete Guide to Understanding the Home Zero Program

Want to buy a home with 100% financing? The Home Zero program might be right for you. Click here to learn more about this exciting program.

Eager to own a home but don’t have a 3.5% down payment or lots of money in savings to cover closing costs? You’re not alone. Many prospective homeowners and repeat home buyers find down payment requirements to be restrictive and difficult to work around.  Our Home Zero program may be able to help.  Our HomeZero […]