A Complete Guide to Understanding the Home Zero Program

Want to buy a home with 100% financing? The Home Zero program might be right for you. Click here to learn more about this exciting program.

Eager to own a home but don’t have a 3.5% down payment or lots of money in savings to cover closing costs? You’re not alone. Many prospective homeowners and repeat home buyers find down payment requirements to be restrictive and difficult to work around.  Our Home Zero program may be able to help.  Our HomeZero […]

Shopping for a Home: How to Compete With Cash Buyers

Financial adviser showing terms of contract on tablet

The Fort Lauderdale real estate market can be tough, and one of the biggest challenges that buyers face is the prevalence of cash buyers and investors competing for the available inventory. The market is similarly challenging across the nation. If you’re trying to buy a new home, you need to have a strategy that will […]

5 Crucial Facts About Down Payments in 2024

Don't shop for that 0% down home loan just yet. Down payments can be a lifesaver. - Alex Doce at The Doce Group

There are real advantages to buying a home with a down payment. Zero-down mortgages still exist, and the ability to buy a home without a down payment may seem exciting. Nevertheless, you should consider slowing down and saving up. A down payment can give you an edge. 1) A Down Payment Can Strengthen a Mortgage […]